Gifts And Endowments

Our vision for the Department is to strengthen our already outstanding basic science research programs in membrane biophysics and cellular/molecular physiology by encouraging collaborations with clinicians and industry.

Physiology is a vital discipline that seeks to understand biological function from the level of cellular mechanisms to the whole structures of the human body. Understanding human physiology provides the foundational knowledge necessary to tackle the most complex of diseases and facilitates the framework for translational breakthroughs.

Our vision for the Department is to strengthen our already outstanding basic science research programs in membrane biophysics and cellular/molecular physiology by encouraging collaborations with clinicians and industry. The translation of basic science to medical applications and commercialization is an area in which a number of our faculty is already engaged. This is a stepping stone to future exponential growth that will position Howard University College of Medicine as an academic leader for years to come.

In looking forward, we aim to substantially increase private support to ensure continued excellence in research and education and achieve our vision.

In order to move into the next generation of academic excellence, a strong investment from our dear friends and alumna of the Department of Physiology are needed to meet our goals, as follows:

  • Support for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Our trainees are our most important assets. Therefore, students should have consistent funding through the completion of their training.
  • Endowed chairs for our most outstanding mid-career and senior faculty to allow them the freedom to explore novel areas of research.
  • Travel fellowship to our advanced graduate students to attend national meetings and present their research work.
  • Financial support towards publication fees to our new faculty members and doctoral students.
  • Community outreach programs that target our communities and underrepresented high school students, so as to mentor them towards higher education that leads to a career in the biomedical field.

Our Contact Information:

Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Howard University, College of Medicine
520 W Street, NW Suite 2420
Washington DC, 20059
Tel: 202-806-6336
Fax: 202-806-4479